Your Homeopathic Remedy After the consultation you will either pick up a remedy from my house, it will be mailed, or you will obtain it yourself. The remedy is either in the form of tiny white medicated pellets in a small paper envelope or a small ziploc bag. Instructions will be included with the remedy. […]

Research into Homeopathy – What’s new?
There has been a great deal of research recently designed to prove the efficacy of homeopathy. Around the world homeopathy has been attacked by many skeptics as an implausible and, at best, placebo driven healing method. However the homeopathic community has fought back, and many good randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials have been completed. Here is […]

Natural Treatment for Hormone Related Illnesses
Many women are looking for natural treatments to alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause, menstruation, infertility, urinary incontinence, as well as pregnancy and the postpartum period. Homeopathy, which is a natural treatment, can be very effective in treating these symptoms. When a woman is particularly troubled by symptoms such as hot flashes, dryness or mood […]

The Body’s Power To Self-Heal Pt. 3
The body flexes its healing muscles by overcoming illness. If you never exercise, you can never get stronger, and our body’s immunity works the same way. It needs to encounter bacteria and viruses in order to learn how to adapt to them and keep us healthy. … Read More

The Body’s Power To Self-Heal (pt. 2)
In the first part of this series on holistic healing, I talked about what defines a treatment as holistic. Now, I will explore what is really happening in our bodies when we choose holistic treatments. + We Are Self-Healing Miracles Did you know that you came into the world with innate healing capabilities constantly working […]

Getting Healthy From The Inside-Out (Pt. 1)
Have you ever wondered what holistic really means? Why is it better for me? What makes a treatment holistic, and how does that differ from going to a specialist for my digestive issues? This is part one of a three-part series on the holistic philosophy of health. We will explore what holistic healing is, how […]

Be Prepared for Digestive Upsets with These Three Homeopathic Remedies
Are you planning a trip to India this summer? Or any other hot, tropical country? Here are a few tips about what remedies to take with you to help you recover from illnesses you might encounter in these locations. Worried about Digestive Upset on your Summer vacation? What is most common for those who […]

Do You Ever Suffer From Motion Sickness?
Ferry boats, long car rides, and long flights overseas—these motion-heavy activities can bring on terrible nausea, headaches and vomiting in extreme situations. Drugs, such as Dramamine, can help but they can knock you out leaving you to recover in your room from groggy feelings for the rest of the day. + Homeopathic Remedies For Relief From […]

Are You Anxious About Flying?
Being anxious about traveling or getting on an airplane is not uncommon. Many people suffer from anxiety prior to taking a trip. They get everything from butterflies in the stomach, trembling with fear, and heart palpitations. If this rings any bells for you, then read on for a natural way to free yourself from these […]

One Of The Best Remedies For Treating Diarrhea
If you have ever suffered from food poisoning or contaminated water while traveling you know how awful diarrhea can be. You not only feel miserable, but you miss out on all the fun too. Homeopathic remedies can help in speeding up your recovery, and boosting your energy so you are back on your feet and […]