Arnica is a homeopathic remedy that is great for blows to the head, bruising and falls, but it also works wonders for jet lag, shock, and flu. Arnica is truly the ONE remedy you want to make sure you have in your suitcase when you are traveling. … Read More
Author Archives: lisette
Camping in Yosemite and step on a nail? Shut your child’s finger in the car door? Slip and fall while hiking? Toothache with shooting pain in your tooth and miles away from any dentist? These are some of the situations where the homeopathic remedy, Hypericum, can come to the rescue. Using Homeopathic Remedies for Travel […]

Homeopathy Treats the Root Cause of Allergies
When seeking relief from allergy symptoms there are two things that need to be considered: first, the relief of the current acute symptoms TODAY (runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.), and second is long-term relief to keep symptoms from returning. These are two entirely different approaches that both come with their own set of pros and […]

Natural Relief from Allergy Symptoms
Are you suffering from allergy symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, or maybe even flu-like symptoms? This is a sign that you have a hypersensitive immune system. Your body is reacting to things in the environment that are natural and should not cause your body to respond, yet you’re having a reaction. In order […]

Fever Phobia: What you need to know about high fevers
The truth about fevers In 1876, Claude Bernard, a French physician, studied fever in animals, and showed that if the body temperature of an animal was raised by 5 to 6 degrees, he would die. This forever changed our view of fever, for prior to this work, fever was viewed as one of the best […]

Home Remedies for Cold and Flu
Home treatments for cold and flu In addition to homeopathic remedies, when someone calls in with a cold or the flu I often recommend some home treatments to make them feel better. Whether you have congestion in the head from a cold, or chest congestion with a respiratory infection you can benefit from these treatments. […]

Cold or Flu?
Here we are again in the midst of cold and flu season and everyone around you is sneezing, coughing and complaining of a sinus headache. Is it a simple cold or a more serious flu? Sometimes it is hard to know exactly what you should do when you get sick — whether you should see […]
Homeopathy in India
It has long been a dream of mine to see homeopathy working in India and now I can say that is reached! In the last 2 weeks I have seen hundreds of patients in several different clinics in rural areas right outside of Kolkata. Every ailment from debilitating mental illnesses, to heartburn (a typcial Bengali […]
Travel to India for Homeopathic Seminar
I will be going to India on February 7, 2014 for a 2 week seminar in Calcutta. The seminar is organized by a group of English Homeopaths, who have been studying with these doctors in Calcutta for over 15 years. They have practiced homeopathy over 30 years, having large practices in Calcutta and also in […]
First Time in India
I am currently in Pune, India for the very first time, and have had a wonderful trip. Yesterday I met with a homeopathic doctor at a clinic in Pune, called Prana, which is both a yoga and homeopathy center. She was kind enough to let me sit in on her follow- up and review several […]