Are you planning a trip to India this summer? Or any other hot, tropical country? Here are a few tips about what remedies to take with you to help you recover from illnesses you might encounter in these locations. Worried about Digestive Upset on your Summer vacation? What is most common for those who […]
Travel related illnesses

Do You Ever Suffer From Motion Sickness?
Ferry boats, long car rides, and long flights overseas—these motion-heavy activities can bring on terrible nausea, headaches and vomiting in extreme situations. Drugs, such as Dramamine, can help but they can knock you out leaving you to recover in your room from groggy feelings for the rest of the day. + Homeopathic Remedies For Relief From […]

Are You Anxious About Flying?
Being anxious about traveling or getting on an airplane is not uncommon. Many people suffer from anxiety prior to taking a trip. They get everything from butterflies in the stomach, trembling with fear, and heart palpitations. If this rings any bells for you, then read on for a natural way to free yourself from these […]

One Of The Best Remedies For Treating Diarrhea
If you have ever suffered from food poisoning or contaminated water while traveling you know how awful diarrhea can be. You not only feel miserable, but you miss out on all the fun too. Homeopathic remedies can help in speeding up your recovery, and boosting your energy so you are back on your feet and […]

Treat Travel Injuries With The Master Remedy
Arnica is a homeopathic remedy that is great for blows to the head, bruising and falls, but it also works wonders for jet lag, shock, and flu. Arnica is truly the ONE remedy you want to make sure you have in your suitcase when you are traveling. … Read More
Camping in Yosemite and step on a nail? Shut your child’s finger in the car door? Slip and fall while hiking? Toothache with shooting pain in your tooth and miles away from any dentist? These are some of the situations where the homeopathic remedy, Hypericum, can come to the rescue. Using Homeopathic Remedies for Travel […]