The body flexes its healing muscles by overcoming illness. If you never exercise, you can never get stronger, and our body’s immunity works the same way. It needs to encounter bacteria and viruses in order to learn how to adapt to them and keep us healthy. … Read More
natural medicine

The Body’s Power To Self-Heal (pt. 2)
In the first part of this series on holistic healing, I talked about what defines a treatment as holistic. Now, I will explore what is really happening in our bodies when we choose holistic treatments. + We Are Self-Healing Miracles Did you know that you came into the world with innate healing capabilities constantly working […]

Getting Healthy From The Inside-Out (Pt. 1)
Have you ever wondered what holistic really means? Why is it better for me? What makes a treatment holistic, and how does that differ from going to a specialist for my digestive issues? This is part one of a three-part series on the holistic philosophy of health. We will explore what holistic healing is, how […]