Many people suffer from recurrent respiratory or throat infections, and children, especially, from recurrent ear infections. Homeopathy can stop this cycle of illness.

Recurring illnesses are a sign that the root of the problem has not been addressed. We get sick when an imbalance in the body causes us to become susceptible to illness. When our immune systems are weakened either from repeated use of anitbiotics, steroids or other suppressive drugs, inherited weaknesses or environmental factors then we become more susceptible. If suppressive treatment is continued, the illness may be driven deeper into the body. For example, a common progression of disease is the child with eczema at a young age who, after treatment with coritsone creams, becomes asthmatic. Also the child with recurrent tonsillitis who, after removing the tonsils, has repeated chest infections. The symptoms of the illness are an expression of the body trying to right the imbalance. Sometimes the body is successful, as when a cold or flu resolves on its own without any intervention. When we do not recover fully, or relapse into another bout of the illness soon after recovery, homeopathy can help.
Homeopathy can treat the current infection as well as address the tendency to become ill. This is because the remedies treat the cause of illness (the imbalance and increased susceptibility) as well as the symptoms of it.
Chronic Ailments | Bay Area Homeopathy
[…] recurrent infections: ear, sinus, throat, respiratory, urinary tract, influenza […]
Acute Illness | Bay Area Homeopathy
[…] ear infections […]