Tired of using cortisone cream for your eczema and just having it recur as soon as you stop? Homeopathy is a good alternative to these suppressive types of treatments for such common conditions as acne, pimples, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, vitiligo, poison oak and warts.

Skin ailments are some of the most varied and bothersome of any condition both because of the discomfort caused by itching and burning skin and the fact that everyone can clearly see your disease. Typically, the condition is dealt with by covering the skin with medicated creams or steroids, which only work temporarily, if at all. Once the cream is stopped, the condition comes back, often worse than originally experienced.
In homeopathy we treat skin conditions differently, by getting to the unique, underlying cause of the skin condition. The homeopathic remedy works at curing the person from the inside to the outside, from the core of your being to your skin. It is like a wound, which must heal from the inside to the surface. If the skin heals over the wound before the inside is healed, then the skin condition will not every be truly healed. Read about a severe case of eczema to get an idea about how homeopathic treatment works.
Case of the long-standing poison ivy/oak:
40 year old male with history of poison ivy since early childhood. Symptoms included oozing eruptions with intense itching over most of his body. Had tried all forms of medications and creams with only temporary relief.Treatment:
Constitutional remedy, Calcarea carbonica, obtained after an in depth, comprehensive interview. After a few doses, virtually no episodes of poison oak again.
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Chronic Ailments | Bay Area Homeopathy
[…] eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, acne […]