Homeopathic acute treatment can reduce the need for antibiotics and other drugs by strengthening the body’s ability to heal itself. It can restore health without adverse side effects for many acute conditions.
An acute homeopathic remedy can also be helpful to support emotional healing when you’ve experienced trauma such as a death in the family, a relationship breakup, loss of job, car accident, bullying at school, etc.
Here are some acute conditions we treat:
Ear Infections
Many people suffer from recurrent respiratory or throat infections, and children, especially, from recurrent ear infections. Homeopathy can stop this cycle of illness.
Recurring illnesses are a sign that the root of the problem has not been addressed. We get sick when an imbalance in the body causes us to become susceptible to illness. When our immune systems are weakened either from repeated use of anitbiotics, steroids or other suppressive drugs, or environmental factors then we become more susceptible. If suppressive treatment is continued, the illness may be driven deeper into the body. For example, a common progression of disease is the child with eczema at a young age who, after treatment with cortisone creams, becomes asthmatic. The symptoms of the illness are an expression of the body trying to right the imbalance. Sometimes the body is successful, as when a cold or flu resolves on its own without any intervention. When we do not recover fully, or relapse into another bout of the illness soon after recovery, homeopathy can help.
Homeopathy can treat the current infection as well as address the tendency to become ill. This is because the remedies treat the cause of illness as well as the symptoms of it.
Headaches / Migraines
You don’t have to live with migraines!
Many people suffer from migraines, almost 1 in 4 households in the US. Migraines tend to run in families. If one parent suffers from migraines, there is a 40% chance their child will suffer, too.
Some of the accompanying symptoms of migraines can be as bad as the head pain itself. For instance:
- Severe, recurring, throbbing pain on one or both sides
- Visual disturbances
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Sensitivity to sound, light, touch, smell
- Numbness in extremities and face
- Depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances
- Aura – warning of impending migraine
The attacks can last anywhere from 4-72 hours. They can interfere with everyday life, both from their intensity and the random nature of the attacks. One can live in fear of when the next migraine will disrupt your ability to work and enjoy life.
Homeopathic remedies can help with the acute stage of the attack, as well as its recurrence. Also, Homeopathy has the ability to change your tendency to get migraines.
Using homeopathic remedies to treat migraines means that you won’t have to suffer the unpleasant side effects of regular medicines. These medicines will never change your tendency to get migraines, they only deal with the acute symptoms.
Colds, coughs, flu, respiratory or throat infections
Respiratory illnesses affect the majority of people some time in their lives. These conditions can be as common as colds, flu and strep throat or, less commonly, bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia.
Conventional treatment is usually in the form of antibiotics or steroids. These medicines are very strong and may have detrimental side effects. They weaken the body and do not change your susceptibility to getting these ailments over and over again. By taking a homeopathic remedy, the following symptoms of the illness can be alleviated:
- fever
- congestion
- sore throat
- cough
- weakness
- chest pain
Digestive Disorders, nausea, vomiting, food poisoning
Disorders of the digestive system may include bloating, gas, ulcers, constipation/diarrhea, acid reflux or heartburn, colitis and irritable bowel. These conditions may be intermittent or ongoing and may occur in particular circumstances or in certain positions of the body.
They seem to have either a physical cause or be based in a psychological disturbance.
Homeopathic treatment zeroes in on the underlying cause of disease, not just the symptoms. For instance, if diarrhea is your problem, and it is linked to anxiety, the treatment focuses on calming the anxiety so that the diarrhea does not recur.
Through an in-depth consultation and a focus on the unique nature of your symptoms, the practitioner selects a remedy that best suits you. This remedy jump starts the defense mechanism of your body to begin to restore your health and well-being.
Conventional medicine treats the symptoms of disease, not paying any attention to the underlying causes. This means that once the medicine is discontinued the same symptoms may reappear or more severe ones may replace them. However, under homeopathic treatment the goal is permanent elimination of symptoms, the true definition of cure.
Case of the Attack of Diarrhea and Vomiting:
7 year old girl, with an attack of the stomach flu with diarrhea, chills and vomiting. She craves cold things, popsicles and ice water which come back up as soon as they are ingested. She has cold perspiration with the fever on her forehead, and is very cold herself. Wants to be totally wrapped in blankets.
Two doses of Veratrum Album were given over a 12 hour period. She stopped vomiting right away and could eat a meal within 1 hour. Her energy improved and she was playing and running around within 2 hours. The second dose finished off all the symptoms and she went back to school the next day.
Toothaches, teething pain in infants
Back pain
While back pain can be a long term chronic problem, sometimes in an acute situation where the person is truly unable to move freely, high doses of Arnica or another homeopathic remedy can be amazingly beneficial in reducing the inflammation causing the pain. Then, for the longer term fix, chronic treatment is recommended.
Chronic (constitutional) treatment focuses on boosting the body’s immunity and overall health. Here are some of the most common chronic conditions we treat:
Asthma & Allergies
Are allergies diminishing the quality of your life? Are you looking for a treatment that does not have side effects and is effective in reducing the symptoms of allergies and asthma?
Asthma and allergies are both signs that the body is sensitive to its environment and as a result develops symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, wheezing and itchy eyes. In order to cure these conditions, the treatment must address the hypersensitivity, not the symptoms resulting from it. Otherwise the symptoms merely come back!
Homeopathy acts in just this way. The remedy interacts with the defense mechanism of the body to reduce your sensitivity to the environment, animals or foods. It is this imbalance deep within the body that needs to be cured. Anything short of that does not result in permanent cure of the allergy symptoms.
Case of Hay Fever
52 year old woman with annual spring allergy symptoms: itchy nose, eyelids, ears with sinus drip, feels like a sinus infection. Starts in spring and lasts until July every year since 13 years old.
Chronic case due to duration of symptoms, remedy chosen that covered the whole person, not just the allergy symptoms. In this case Nat-mur was given. After 6 months of treatment the sinus infections did nor recur and the seasonal allergy symptoms were diminished to 80%. Every month she would have one day of symptoms which would then disappear for another 4-6 weeks. In another year, there were no allergy symptoms at all.
Case of the Acute Asthma Attack
3 year old boy, coughing in the night waking him up. Wet cough, almost constant, worse if he exerts himself, even just talking makes it worse. Labored breathing with some wheezing. Restless, cannot sit still, and very thirsty for small sips of water.
This is an acute attack of the asthma and was treated with the remedy Arsenicum Album, which calmed the child down, allowed him to sleep well for several hours and gradually the cough diminished. The breathing was no longer labored and the wheezing was gone within 15 minutes. Of course in all cases, people use their inhalers when needed, and always have them at the ready if the remedy does not help.
Eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, acne
Tired of using cortisone cream for your eczema and just having it recur as soon as you stop? Homeopathy is a good alternative to these suppressive types of treatments for such common conditions as acne, pimples, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, vitiligo, poison oak and warts.
Skin ailments are some of the most varied and bothersome of any condition both because of the discomfort caused by itching and burning skin and the fact that everyone can clearly see your disease. Typically, the condition is dealt with by covering the skin with medicated creams or steroids, which only work temporarily, if at all. Once the cream is stopped, the condition comes back, often worse than originally experienced.
In homeopathy we treat skin conditions differently, by getting to the unique, underlying cause of the skin condition. The homeopathic remedy works at curing the person from the inside to the outside, from the core of your being to your skin. It is like a wound, which must heal from the inside to the surface. If the skin heals over the wound before the inside is healed, then the skin condition will not every be truly healed. Read about a severe case of eczema to get an idea about how homeopathic treatment works.
Case of the long-standing poison ivy/oak:
40 year old male with history of poison ivy since early childhood. Symptoms included oozing eruptions with intense itching over most of his body. Had tried all forms of medications and creams with only temporary relief.
Constitutional remedy, Calcarea carbonica, obtained after an in depth, comprehensive interview. After a few doses, virtually no episodes of poison oak again.
Recurrent infections: throat, urinary tract, respiratory, sinus...
Many people suffer from recurrent respiratory or throat infections, and children, especially, from recurrent ear infections. Homeopathy can stop this cycle of illness.
Recurring illnesses are a sign that the root of the problem has not been addressed. We get sick when an imbalance in the body causes us to become susceptible to illness. When our immune systems are weakened either from repeated use of antibiotics, steroids or other suppressive drugs, inherited weaknesses or environmental factors then we become more susceptible. If suppressive treatment is continued, the illness may be driven deeper into the body. For example, a common progression of disease is the child with eczema at a young age who, after treatment with cortisone creams, becomes asthmatic. Also the child with recurrent tonsillitis who, after removing the tonsils, has repeated chest infections. The symptoms of the illness are an expression of the body trying to right the imbalance. Sometimes the body is successful, as when a cold or flu resolves on its own without any intervention. When we do not recover fully, or relapse into another bout of the illness soon after recovery, homeopathy can help.
Homeopathy can treat the current infection as well as address the tendency to become ill. This is because the remedies treat the cause of illness (the imbalance and increased susceptibility) as well as the symptoms of it.
Menstruation, menopause, infertility, hormonal imbalances
Many women are looking for natural treatments to alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause, menstruation, infertility, urinary incontinence, as well as pregnancy and the postpartum period. Homeopathy, which is a natural treatment, is very effective in treating these symptoms.
When a woman is particularly troubled by symptoms such as hot flashes, dryness or mood swings, it is a sign that the body is trying to find a balance as the hormone levels shift. Some women experience these symptoms to a very small degree while others are almost debilitated by them. It is necessary to treat the imbalance within the body to alleviate the symptoms from within. This is what Homeopathy does…it acts directly on the defense mechanism of the body to bring about balance.
The homeopathic remedy acts as a catalyst for the body’s own healing power to reduce the symptoms and strengthen the defense mechanism.
Although menopause, pregnancy and menstruation are not illnesses, the symptoms associated with them are often classified as a disease and treated as such in conventional medicine. In Homeopathy, symptoms such as:
- Excessive nausea in pregnancy
- Excessive pain and bleeding with menstruation
- Hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia in menopause
- Irritability before menstruation
- Post partum depression
are not the disease… they are the body’s attempt to restore health on its own. When the symptoms persist and become bothersome, it is a sign that the body’s own healing mechanism is not working optimally and needs help.
ADHD, OCD, aggression, hyperactivity
Depression, anxiety and panic attacks
Are you finding yourself overly anxious over small things? Feeling sad so often that it is hard to get the energy to do anything? Have you tried other medications and found that nothing really brings you full relief?
This is when an alternative approach to treating emotional distress can help. Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective and enhance your overall wellbeing while reducing your symptoms of illness.
Stress is a natural part of life; it is your body’s reaction to difficult situations or events, either in the past or the present. It can manifest in physical symptoms, such as:
- chest pain
- muscle tightness
- ulcers
psychological symptoms, such as:
- anxiety attacks
- depression
or behavioral symptoms, such as:
- weight loss/gain
- crying
- social isolation
Ongoing stress may lead to anxiety disorders, the most common mental illness in the United States (National Institute of Mental Health), and depression. Some effects of anxiety are: panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias and generalized anxiety disorder.
Depression is an illness that can affect you both physically and emotionally. Symptoms may include: poor appetite, insomnia, low self-esteem, lack of motivation and escaping life, by watching too much television or sleeping a great deal. Different forms of depression exist:
- Dysthemia — chronic, low level depression that does not disable but keeps one from functioning well or feeling good
- Major depression — interferes with ones ability to work, study, eat, play, sleep and enjoy life; can occur once, but more commonly several times
- Bipolar disorder (manic depressive illness) – severe high and low emotional states
After a comprehensive interview process, the homeopathic practitioner selects a remedy which treats your emotional symptoms as well as any physical symptoms you may experience. The homeopathic practitioner acknowledges the mind/body connection and treats all parts of the person with one remedy. This eliminates the need for multiple, expensive prescriptions for every problem you may experience.
Case of Anxiety:
45 year old woman with anxiety whenever she drives, especially over bridges. Also anxiety about her children, whenever they are not with her. She dreams of them every night and is always anxious when she awakens from the dreams. She has terrible flatulence after eating dinner and she feels the worst between 4 and 7 p.m. She says that people are never aware that she is anxious, that she does not show it at all.Treatment:
Two doses of Lycopodium, her constitutional remedy, were given over a 6 month period and her anxiety greatly reduced; she could even drive over bridges! Her dreams were less and less frequent and even sometimes had happy ones. The digestion improved as did her energy.
Homeopathic first aid remedies can help to speed recovery and alleviate the pain associated with common injuries such as:
- cuts and lacerations
- bruises
- surgery
- smashed fingers and toes
- sprained ankles
- minor burns
- broken bones
- pulled tendons
- animal bites
- blows to the body or head, concussions
- dislocated joints
- insect stings
For severe injuries or in life-threatening situations, you should seek immediate treatment from your medical doctor or the emergency room.
When traveling we encounter many different situations and challenges from our everyday life, that is partly why we travel! If you have ever lost several days of your dream vacation to a food or water borne illness, or injured your ankle on the first day of your backpacking trip, then you know how frustrating it can be. Homeopathic remedies can be very effective in treating common travel illnesses, to help you get back on the trail, or in line at the museum, or just lying in a lounge chair in the sand!
Lisette has put together a home study course, Staying Healthy While Traveling, The Natural Way which is hosted at The course is useful as an online guide for how to treat some of these common travel illnesses:
- Anxiety
- Jet Lag
- Digestive Issues
- Injuries
- Altitude & Motion Sickness